gadget chair
Sit down when it is necessary and carry the seat comfortably, these were the objectives of the project of the chair gadgets.For this project, it is important to use a suitable and durable material, but at the same time it must be light because it must be transportable without too much effort.That's why the design choice is the cardboard, which not only respects the needs of strength and lightness, excellent for sitting and transportation, but also offers other important advantages such as: low environmental impact, low production costs and the easy possibility of printing on its surface, which opens new scenarios in relation to how to "considering the object chair". A chair in the world of design is often considered a luxury object, but with this project, instead, we want to completely overturn these canons, and so create a product of a chair on the concept of "gadget".In fact this product is for companies, that buying a set of chairs, have the opportunity to print on them their brand, the chair becomes a gadget to give as gifts to the customer, and it thus becomes a true advertising medium.The idea of "gadget chair" could be released as an advertising element and marketing in the foyer of the museum, or at the stand of a trade show, or in any other placewhere you need a temporary and personal seat.